[ default ] ! Success ! Congratulations, pilot. [ m1 ] Human, you are aboard the training craft Kampuss. Here you will be instructed in basic space combat skills by our experienced training overseers. You will experience all of the current Repton craft and weapons systems during this training regime. You will succeed human. [ m3 ] Sector 1: Success confirmed Sector 2: Success confirmed Sector 3: Success confirmed Successful basic combat training completed. [ m2 ] Gunner training was successful! Proceed to next section of training regime. [ m4 ] ~cSuccess confirmed Advanced cannon training completed. [ m5 ] ~cSuccess confirmed Advanced projectile training completed. [ m6 ] Sector 1: Success confirmed Sector 2: Success confirmed Sector 3: Success confirmed Advanced projectile training complete. [ m7 ] Success confirmed Advanced system training complete. [ m8 ] Mission successful! Tractor beam training complete. [ m9 ] Human! You have successfully completed our training regime. Remember the lessons that you have learned during this campaign. [ m10 ] You have successfully rejoined the Repton fleet and gained real combat experience against the Ovons. Prepare yourself Human for the campaigns that lead us to our ultimate goal: The destruction of the Ovon home world! [ m11 ] Success confirmed! War Drum can pass safely though the asteroid field and is one sector closer to the Ovon home world. [ m12 ] Success confirmed! The Ovon attack force has been obliterated. Human! your gunnery skill is commended. [ m13 ] Energy reserves are now at 100% and mission success has been confirmed. The Repton fleet is now combat ready. [ m14 ] Aal Tair 7 has survived the Ovon attack. All personnel are operative and research continues. Human! Your aggressive combat skills have been noted. [ m15 ] Human! you have saved the War Drum and helped to weaken a major effort by the Ovons. The comets are now safely moving to clear sectors and the Ovon counter attack is crushed. [ m16 ] The construction engineers have reported to combat control and confirmed your success in this mission. Combat control however, have decided to withdraw the Portal for strategic reasons. [ m17 ] The successful retrieval and servicing of the mining robot has allowed the construction engineers to increase their production forecasts by 30%. [ m18 ] The War Drum has been successfully defended and has suffered only minor damage. [ m19 ] Success Confirmed! The patrol has cleared Ovon front line defenses creating a large hole in the Ovon defense net. This will be our route in our attack on the Ovon sector base! [ m20 ] The Ovon Sector Base, Iris I was completely destroyed. This is a major victory! Morale on The War Drum is high. Success confirmed Human! Combat control acknowledges the contribution made by the human during this campaign. [ m21 ] The convoy has been successfully destroyed thus denying the Ovons their much needed supplies. Their lines of communication have been seriously disrupted and we expect their response to further Repton action to be seriously weakened by this. Additional Data: Human! Examination of the debris from the attack on the convoy has shown it to contain components for a new type of Ovon combat craft. What remains of the technology is more highly developed than that currently in use in Repton craft. [ m22 ] The mission was a complete success, all Ovon craft within local sectors were eliminated. The destruction of the Ovon mothership and the severing of local lines of communication will keep these sectors Ovon free for the foreseeable future. [ m23 ] Human, the War Drum has been successfully defended and only suffered minor damage. The attack of the Karnnins is not fully understood and the implications of it must be considered. [ m24 ] The Ovons have state-of-the-art guidance technology for hyperspace missiles but it's no match for the skill of Repton... and human pilots. [ m25 ] The ore fragments have been processed and converted into energy. The War Drum is now holding 100% energy reserves and is ready to continue the next phase of the campaign. [ m26 ] Human! Your mission was completely successful! The trading lanes have been re-opened and Nirvana 12 can now supply the War Drum. The governor of Nirvana 12 is deeply appreciative of the efforts of the Repton War Fleet. To show this, he is willing to grant free access to secret information regarding a nearby Ovon installation. [ m27 ] Human! A major victory! Using the data transmitted by Nirvana 12, we have located and destroyed the Ovon ship yard. We will now despatch a reconnaissance patrol, to search the sector for any abandoned Ovon technology that could be useful to the Repton war effort. [ m28 ] The scavenger mission is a confirmed success. Human! you have returned with the Ovon fighter in a salvageable condition. The Ovon fighter will provide us with maximum efficiency in future campaigns. We have seconded research engineers from Aal Tair 7 to adapt Repton weapon and navigation systems for use aboard the Ovon craft. [ m29 ] Success confirmed Human! The mine field has been cleared. This allows the Repton attack force a safe passage to the Ovon sector base, Iris II. [ m30 ] Human! The destruction of Iris II is confirmed! This marks the end of the campaign and brings the Repton fleet one step nearer to their ultimate goal: the destruction of the Ovon home-world. [ m31 ] Human! An important victory has been achieved! All Ovon forces have been expelled from our local sectors. Your gunnery skills have made a significant contribution to our success. [ m32 ] Research Engineers from Aal Tair 7 have studied the alien artifact and found traces of a hitherto unknown metal. In pure form, the metal has properties previously not experienced by our engineers: it can drain energy from local power sources. The Aal Tair 7 staff think they can produce a weapon capable of absorbing power from target craft. Information will be made available on development of this weapon as it occurs. [ m33 ] Human! Against our expectations you have succeeded! The Ovon destroyer has been totally destroyed and despite his escape from this destruction in an escape craft, the Megnat diplomat too, was eliminated. There can now be no alliance between the Ovons and the Megnats. The Megnats consider the Ovons responsible for the death of their diplomat. They are withdrawing all contact with the Ovons and alliance talks will be suspended indefinitely. Human! Success confirmed! This is major step forward on our journey to total victory. [ m34 ] The ore has been processed and directed to the main energy store aboard the War Drum. Human! A successful mission. The War Drum is now running on full power and is combat ready. [ m35 ] Heavens Crossroads looks more like the Kitchens of Hell, after the unsuccessful attack by the Ovons. The War Drum has only suffered minor damage and this will not affect the progress of the current campaign. Human! Your efficient and ruthless combat skills have been worthy of comment by Combat control. [ m36 ] Human! The mission is successful! All power stations have been eliminated. This has shut down all Ovon long range scanners in the current quadrant. This will give us an advantage during the later missions in this campaign. [ m37 ] The great Ovon solar power farms are no more. A successful mission Human! The Ovons now have to make alternative arrangements for the powering of industrial facilities in this quadrant. This will hopefully distract them while we continue on to our ultimate goal: the destruction of their home world. [ m38 ] Human! Once again your assertive combat skills have served our purpose well! The raid is a success and the Ovon leaders are eliminated. This action will be a terrible blow to the morale of our enemies! [ m39 ] The commanders escape pod was successfully located and rescued. You have also taken out a significant number of Ovon combat craft during the mission. By the successful completion of this mission we have managed to avoid a hostage situation. The Repton commander is a very powerful and important member of the High Command and his capture would have been an intelligence coupfor the Ovons. Human! The rescued Commander salutes you! [ m40 ] The destruction of Iris III marks the end of this, the pen-ultimate campaign against the Ovons. The Repton fleet has only one more major effort to make to bring the ultimate objective in sight. [ m41 ] The early warning outpost is destroyed, this fulfills your mission objective. The destruction of the outpost will give us a tactical advantage over the Ovons. A number of your opponents on this mission were piloting a new Ovon fighter craft. Early data scans indicate that the shell of the new craft is typical of Ovon design but the craft is fitted with a new, more powerful propulsion drive and enhanced weapon systems. We can expect to encounter growing numbers of this ship as the campaign progresses. [ m42 ] Human! Your species is now classed as an A-type predator. Your fearless attacks have opened a path through the initial defenses of our enemy and their home planet. We must penetrate deeper into these defenses to achieve ultimate success. [ m43 ] Human! Your mission was successful! All local sectors have been cleansed of Ovon craft. The use of the Ovon fighter confused the enemy long enough to give us an advantage during the mission. The Ovon battle fleet has been destroyed! This allows the Repton task force to occupy these sectors and begin preparing for the final assault on the Ovon home world. [ m46 ] Human! Another front line defense has been eliminated due to Repton space supremacy and your combat skills. Missile sites have been destroyed in all of the local sectors, strengthening the Repton position in Ovon space. Destruction of the primary objective has been accomplished. Human! The variety and aggressive nature of your combat skills, still excites our gene engineers. The destruction of the Ovon mothership places us only hundreds of hours from the completion of our campaigns against the Ovons! The Ovons have re-called all combat craft to defend our local sectors. They are readying themselves for our final attack. Every sector now has combat ready Ovon craft defending it! Be prepared! [ m45 ] Human! You have punched holes in the Ovon NET that allows us to continue our build up of forces for the final assault. [ m44 ] The Ovons are now pulling back and concentrating on the defense of their home world. Unexpectedly, our long range scanners detect a sector base near-by. We had received data indicating that our war fleet had strategic superiority. We must achieve this to secure our extended lines of communications. Successful destruction of the Ovon missile installations has been achieved and confirmed! [ m47 ] Human! We had calculated that you would not succeed and survive! You have also eliminated the fleeing Ovon survivors. We admire such ferocity! We now have strategic superiority in the final phases of our war against the Ovons. The Ovon home world has been protected by the great sector bases for hundreds of years. At last! their home world lies defenseless in our path! [ m48 ] Human! You have survived the effects of the Darklight drive. The weapon is now fully operational and the final Ovon attack has been crushed! We are bringing heavy Pulse Cannon up to the forward sectors. They will concentrate in the vicinity of a local hyper-space portal before travelling through to assault the Ovon city portal. In a matter of hours, every Repton combat craft will be operationally ready and in range of the Ovon home world. All combatants must wait for the War Drum to transmit the order to attack! [ m49 ] The strategic use of the Human by the Reptons is justified! We have annihilated the Ovons. A million dust particles, floating in space is all that remains of their once proud war fleet. The ruins of their cities provide salvage for our industrial engineers and our ground forces grind the survivors under their feet. Human! We wish to honour you! You will be our principal victory celebrant. Report to the War Drum! [ m50 ] You have escaped the Repton victory ritual and you have returned to Earth space. The fighters of the Northern Space Fleet have helped destroy your pursuers. You are home, but Earth has changed! It is 400 years since your abduction by the Reptons. Your adventures as a Repton battle slave, have taken you across many hyper-space time boundaries. You are now the oldest living human, and are soon nicknamed 'The Ancient' by an incredulous Earth media. The Repton campaign is over! The adventures of the Human are complete...